Welcome to BourneTown
The last of the summer sun bares down in drunken souls. Lost in the days after the nights. Gathered in packs, emerged in conversations that elude to the movement. Deprived minds seek to create an exit, escapism is rife. The youth can not be stopped, it will never stop. The BourneTown style is unmistakable. I have traveled to foreign lands, as far from this city as I could get. Nothing has ever compared to me the allure of the BourneTown. This kids, cats and players know only to well the subtleties that bring this place to its current point. It is a golden age, the feeling is inescapable. Scenes on top of scenes share a common bond only in their own pride? Unity is not a given, but underneath the movement can be seen. You only need to scratch the surface to discover a emerging underland. Seek and you shall find the feeling you quest.
The night tears away the light. It brings out the other side of the city. Crews emerge with new found confidence, renewed excitement, keen faces and altered motives. This is BourneTown, don?t sleep.
The night tears away the light. It brings out the other side of the city. Crews emerge with new found confidence, renewed excitement, keen faces and altered motives. This is BourneTown, don?t sleep.

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