Poker Sessions Imagery
Darkened rooms and sullen faces, bass throbs through the vents, the walls vibrate, the levels can not be reduced, this is the way it was intended. Play your hand and give us your look, your meaning will not be miss-took. The day to day life you lead, the way your trail with your coins and bleed, the voice we hear when you call my bluff, the vile thought of that poor girl in snuff, the desperate measures we do discuss, the training, the maintaining, the never ending blaming, the taming of the beasts out side, the roaming to new games so far and wide, the explaining to the authorities what it is we do, the never ending meaning in this passage, how to construe. The vibe will not reduce in intensity, it will not be restrained, we will discuss the matters of the day, to your idol attempts at distraction attention we will not pay... in this life there is only one game we play... and to be mislead in thinking it is poker, for this mistake you may pay.

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