I Am The Walrus

The sun sets over a mysterious world. The ink on the page runs in the heat of the blazing sun. The words left in the winds of time for all to experience. Those things which have been said can not be taken back, those things which are written, and read, will last in the minds of those who experienced their meaning. The sun will shine on many more experiences, the rain will fall on many more children. Tears will run down the faces of many more widows and the wind shall blow away the memories of many more men. But the words, engraved on stone, etched into the rocks of experience, will last, their effect on those who encountered their meaning born into the ever fluid pattern of experiential evolution. Your experience, and the meaning breed into your character from it, shared through your interaction with those you encounter and passed onto them through their own interpretation. The meaning liquid, changing its form as it moves through the shadows of nature, shinning when expressed in creative form, thriving when used for both the extreme means on destruction and creation. Everything will change, nothing is so stable that the micro vibrations that exists below everything can not shake it into new form, nothing is so stable that the abstract contrast of solid vs. metaphysical will not one day combine to reform entirety. It is so strange that random is more common than common is random, it is not so far fetched that expression is the result of future or that the past is constructed in so many different ways by the present. It is not so abstract that abstract itself is the most tangible of all things, because it is in the most bazaar that the most understanding can be found, if not expressed. Everything will change.
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