Dboy Down Under
Lost in a sea of wonder, the dream fogs over, the creepy myst seems to hide the once clear image. Unable to determine what is required to clear the air, to solve the puzzle, the untwist the tangle. Take your own advise, listen to others, the Movement is there in support. They are there, in the dark, holding steady, waiting to turn the corner and list the shadows to create a path. To creat a clear way for the Movement to surge forward, to stop the relentless struggle for a moment, so a position can be maintained, forged, unfolded into strategy, from static into solution. Midst the myst might may make a way, if you hold tight, if you stand tall, and dream, past the fog, through the fury, into the future, the way the image should look... then write your life like you would a book.

The End.

The End.
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