Compelled By Nature

Compelled by the nature of the vortex to stand tall the Movement will rise above the storm. The hidden nature of things is revealed in the darkness, the view from the shadows unveils the very results that were always desired. The compassion and the realism of the situation unleashes a new form, a new skyline, a vortex of pleasure, a kaleidoscope of emotion set loose into the atmosphere, the colours of the wind cause catastrophic damage to the air, ripping participles that were once bound and separating partnerships formed long ago. In the vortex the individual stands, with the power of the Movement the individual is able to see separation of these once stable entities, from the position in the shadow beyond the brick wall, the individual is faced with the choice, step forward and let the vortex rip the pieces from ones self, or stand back, hoping the turmoil will pass, each a risk, but one with much more considerable gains. Once striped of all the stable and common strangleholds the Movement allows the individual to again step out from the darkness, raise his glass, and with merit, confidence and strength, face the new world.
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