Distant View

Dboy Down Under returns to BourneTown to bring you news from UpTop. Dem up der, dem be on a wavelength only understood by mixing yourself within it. Same as anywhere else, but with the North of this Southern Land, it is as true as anywhere. The language changes, the lifestyle slows, the land is tough, it makes the people tough. What is accepted is onyl that which can survive. You can not slip in and out of the shadows in a land where the sun belts down so hard, where the rain covers everything and the wind blows away the memories of yesterday's mistakes. Tough men, and tough women sit in a sweat, watching the world go slowly by.
THe land outside the townships breaths it's own life. Evolution has been cruel here, no large animals have managed to survive the natural selection process, only those which can slither, those which are nimble, those which can bare the tough nature of it all. But those that can, those that have and those that do, they are rewarded with an amazing, a breath taking reality. The land here is like no other, the breath of ancient worlds seem to come to life before you eyes, the beauty fo the end of the big wet allows you to take in the contrast that is around us everywhere, the contrast which in fact is inside us all.
The reality I found in the North showed me not something of what is outisde my day to day reality, but something which is inside us all. After all, in new expereince is this not the lesson we seek? Is it not a lesson in each and every experience that we seek, is it not that which we relate to, what we see, but in relation to ourselves. A refered reflection of our own reality, carved into the stone of a million years of reflections?
I breath my own dawn, each and every day...
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