The Walk

Each and every day the Movement gains strength. The power is not in the strength that the arrogant feel, but in the strength that the weak accumulate through their day to day lives. There is a battle for ground at every stand point. In the end, the walk, is a lonely one. The test, never ending. Trust, almost impossible. How can the Movement find trust in those that can not provide evidence of their dedication to the cause. ?So I continue to grow, trying to avoid the status quo?.
As the Kid said to me recently, ?how can you kill someone, who is already dead?. But they keep coming. Those that have seen the tested stand after each and every bout have no doubt that in the end, he just keeps on walking. And will again. Such is the walk, such is the never ending mundane style of life to which we have become accustom. This is not the age of consent, we are not free, we have not chosen our plight, but a time will come again, a time when the direction will shift. These personal tests, these daily micro-=power battles are but a test for a latter day.
Few will stand with you when you need it most. Fewer and Fewer.
But stand tall, walk on.
Dream up the world you want to live in, and dream out loud.
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