
A friend said an interesting thing to me yesterday...
"I had a revelation on the way to the shop this morning."
In that moment I was struck with an overwhelming sense of clarity. In her words I saw a clear and distinct path I wanted to walk, an obvious and complete way of life that I search for. It was just a moment, and by the time her next sentence began it was gone. But in that instant what The Movement is and what I want to gain from it was all before me, it was a vision of metaphysical purity.
The relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value, and the direction of my self is something that I have felt attuned to since raising myself out of the depths of teenage angst and into the world of realisations. The combined sensation of a number of realisations into a moment when some clarity is reached can only be described as a revelation. My friend has in that instant brought to me a unique feeling in my life. I have had revelations before, but this one, in regards to the progress I am making in my journey was powerful, mind blowing, yet in it i found some peace. Some peace in the knowledge that the slow progress I attain to is not with out merit.
That clarity I had found may be lost in the day to day life I must continue to struggle through. But I know that in the background of my thoughts, the overtones of my beliefs, the power of the energy I choose to expel is moving me forward in my journey. My day to day life is but the physical aspect of my journey, the mirage of my other journey, taking place in the thoughts, in the beliefs, inside the reality that I create around me, and with the people I choose to surround myself with. My thoughts are with my people, my thoughts are positive, my thoughts may not be obvious, but the results are.
Bill Hicks may have been onto something...
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