
Another image taken of Dboy by Julie Bullock, with my alterations.
They are breed well, so aware of the coming storm, masked and ready, the look is unmistakable.
The communication lines have been clear today. Those who have traveled far to BourneCity at this time of year experience a different view, an altered outlook from those that dwell here when the sun belts down. In my role, I meet many of these visitors, and the effect of the city is often remarkable, often obvious, often immediate, yet remains subtle as that is its way. The darkness creeps in much earlier, the city creeps slowly through the days, mundane days, it is still sinister, as always. There is a certain appeal in the doldrums and that can not be explained, only felt. Notice: A certain enduring nature of the dark tarmac which maintains its state all the while being pelted with drops from the sky. Grey hues seem so full of colour, the style is always there.
Inside small bars, rooms, halls, and lofts across the city people gather, speaking easy of the state of their affairs. Down lanes ways past stickers, paint and thoughts, through smells and up stairs, down alleys and past bins, here you will find the keepers of the city, those that breed the creativity that makes BourneCity such an intriguing habitat. Their creativity spills out of conversations and into music, into life on the walls, into their eyes.
As they look out into the sky, the bleeding sky, unprotected by the natural layer, unprotected from the world's ugly tirade of unpleasant circumstances, the look in their eyes in unmistakable. They have felt this city, they have breathed this air, spoken amongst themselves about this state of affairs. A compassion, yet fear, a desire yet refined nature. These are BourneCities pride, its offspring, subject to it's effect, subjects to it's influence.
They are breed well, so aware of the coming storm, masked and ready, the look is unmistakable.
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