Life is Such
Do you feel me? Saturday morning, 11am. I wake on the couch of a East BourneCity apartment, nice place too it seems. Leather couch be sticking to the side of my face, but not to uncomfortable. Polished baords, heater on, leafy outlook. It takes me a moment to realise this is SneakyHands place and recall some the events of the night before, and how it was I came to be here. I stealth up the hallway, not entirely sure of how many stayed, and where in the house they may be, my memories of the last hour or so of the night before are hazy, if not a little creepy. It was something like a bad music video, with a little touch of a Rob Zombie flick sliced into the framework. Hysterical laughter, vial projectial action with full sound effects, the loss of all sensability, it was all there.
I find my way out of the building, into the sunlight. It is autumn, the sun shines, but still the cold strikes a fresh blow to my skin. I pull my oversized hood on top, plug in some earphones and select Santana (For a review of Santana check out my boys site Dropping Beer) for my motivational background, it is going to be a long painful walk. But any other method of transport would be cop out. I know some of my best revelations have occured on walks like this, and I am prepared to make the journey another one of notability, this city, BourneCity has a way of making it worth while. I feel my head swell, my legs ache, not many couches are really long enough for the length of the dboy style, it seems last nights was no exception.
Although this neighborhood is not familiar to me, I can smell the way home, towards the G, through the mud, under the RichMad underpass towards the stacks and murky water, up the hill and down the other side. 200 metres from my departure point I come across a bottle-o, so a can of Bundy will also lead me home, it is the only way.
A good 1/2 hour later and between Santana, the pain in my head, my lack of fitness, and being alone for the 1st time in a week with time to think I am getting deep on myself. Thinking about the consequences of my actions, about the trials and tribulations of being a minor success, about what I am going to do with my current state of affairs. Nothing to out of the usual, but enough to get the blood ticking and inspiration flowing.
Then, as it happens in Bourne City, I come across something that makes me swelter with pride, something that says to me the people here understand. Half way up the longest hill you would want to walk up in my condition, outside an old block of flats I used to hit up in my younger days, there is the mattress, propped up, signed up and speaking to me. It was not the place it had been left to lay, but brought in especially for the occasion, marked and situated. Nothing left to chance with the style, and the message clear, relevant and striking.
This is BourneCity people, Such Is Life.
I find my way out of the building, into the sunlight. It is autumn, the sun shines, but still the cold strikes a fresh blow to my skin. I pull my oversized hood on top, plug in some earphones and select Santana (For a review of Santana check out my boys site Dropping Beer) for my motivational background, it is going to be a long painful walk. But any other method of transport would be cop out. I know some of my best revelations have occured on walks like this, and I am prepared to make the journey another one of notability, this city, BourneCity has a way of making it worth while. I feel my head swell, my legs ache, not many couches are really long enough for the length of the dboy style, it seems last nights was no exception.
Although this neighborhood is not familiar to me, I can smell the way home, towards the G, through the mud, under the RichMad underpass towards the stacks and murky water, up the hill and down the other side. 200 metres from my departure point I come across a bottle-o, so a can of Bundy will also lead me home, it is the only way.
A good 1/2 hour later and between Santana, the pain in my head, my lack of fitness, and being alone for the 1st time in a week with time to think I am getting deep on myself. Thinking about the consequences of my actions, about the trials and tribulations of being a minor success, about what I am going to do with my current state of affairs. Nothing to out of the usual, but enough to get the blood ticking and inspiration flowing.
Then, as it happens in Bourne City, I come across something that makes me swelter with pride, something that says to me the people here understand. Half way up the longest hill you would want to walk up in my condition, outside an old block of flats I used to hit up in my younger days, there is the mattress, propped up, signed up and speaking to me. It was not the place it had been left to lay, but brought in especially for the occasion, marked and situated. Nothing left to chance with the style, and the message clear, relevant and striking.
This is BourneCity people, Such Is Life.

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