Dimension Y

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Dimension Y Mix Part 1:
Dimension Y Mix Part 2:
When I was 14 a friend in my street gave me my first mix tape. He mixed older trance with influences from the Detroit scene. Although in the past I had made tapes with selections of songs on them, this was the first time I had contact with the concept of putting together a tape that ran in a smooth fashion, with one track leading into the other, but more over it was the first time I felt the power of a mix tape. Over the next few years my concept of a mix tape changed as I experienced more and more styles. The most influential tapes were those that not only traveled in a smooth fashion from start to finish, but those that gave the listener a deeper experience. Be it a sensation created by the rise and fall of the music or in the cases that touched me the most, those that held a more subtle message.
Those of you who have listened to the Dboy DownUnder Dimension Z mix will know already that my style is not your standard mix. Using sampology and a range of music styles I attempt to give the listener an insight into what it is that I have found in music, what it is in the music that has moved me.
In the Dimension Y mix set you will find 3 major parts, all mixed to give the listener a insight into the style of music where I find so much inspiration for my life. The first part is an in-depth look at the emotion of the human disposition. It is easy to just listen to music, and one could easily listen to this mix and find no meaning, and so be it, but in selecting the final tracks I did in fact have ulterior motive. Between the lines, in the lyrics, in the influence of the artists behind the originals and in the emotion of the first 60 minutes of music, there is a feeling. The concept of being true to ones self, of those deviant acts which are often just behind closed doors, but so intertwined in our lives... I feel that the social aspect of the concept of truth, and what we hold true as a society, in our smaller social groups, to our lovers and to ourselves is a major part of our day to day lives.
Part 2 of the Dimension Y mix slides a little away from what it is in ourselves to find what it is in music which holds so much power. Where is it our musical influences come from? What is it about particular styles of music which strike such a cord with particular people. The first 1/2 hour delves into blues influenced electronica. The blue grass tones of these tunes pay respect to their influences while bringing modern digital elements into the mix. The call and response structure many of these tunes lay the way for the final 1/2 hour of funk, soul, blues and rhythm and soul tunes which pay homage to exactly where so many of the breaks that are used today came from.
This is DboyDownUnder Dimension Y... Enjoy.
Dimension Y Mix Part 1
LoFidelity All Stars: How To Operate With a Blown Mind
Evil Nine: Snack Bar Lounge featuring JFB
Jake Sakvona Featuring Joelistics of TZU): Truth Is?
DJ Soup: Acid Rain
Square Pusher: Curve 1
Environmental Science: V.B.S. (What Does It Mean?)
Ditry Box: The Reason (scoop the loop mix)
LoFidelity All Stars: Kasparov's Revenge
Squarepusher: I'll Descent
Funky Perceni: The Deep
Klute: Phone Call (Hefner Remix)
Fortunato & Mantresor: Imagine
Nightmares On Wax: Flip Ya Lid
FDEL: Bring It On
Hairy Diamond: Giving Up
Rodney P: I Believe featuring Olivia Cheaney
BranVan 3000: Sinking in Hell-A (Dub)
Part Two: Dimension Y Mix Part 2:
Funkstorung: I Want Some Fun featuring Jay Jay Johanson
Luke Solomon and Justin Harris present Freaks 'The Beat Dairies': Repetition is a Form Of Change
Luke Solomon and Justin Harris present Freaks 'The Beat Dairies': Methods in Madness
Nightmares on Wax: Deep Down
The Fire This Time: At Least the American Indian People Know Exactly How They Have Been Fucked Around (Mad Professor Original Mix)
Matthew Trapnell with Trapeziod: Ella's Uncle
A Guy Called Gerald: Humanity featuring Lovie Rhodes
Fink: Ever Since I Was a Kid it Seemed I Collected Something (Hefner Remix)
Pressure Drop: Call to Mind / Patti Smith Spooky Mix
Al Green: Here I Am (come and take me)
Aaron Neville: Herculeus
Marvin Gaye: Inner City Blues (make me wanna holler)
Billy Cobram: Stratus
Bob Dylan: All The Tired Horses
John Legend: It Don't Have To Change featuring the Stephens Family
Fugees: Killing Me Softly
*disclaimer* If you wish to simply enjoy the music you can do that too!